Lars Leister, M.Sc.
- Scientist
- Group:
Leistungselektronik in elektrischen Netzen
- Office Hours:
Nach Vereinbarung
- Room: 255
CN 420 - Phone: +49 721 608-28168
- lars leister ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Research and Work Areas
Modeling of battery systems
Optimizing the lifespan of energy storages integrated in multi-level converters
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2021 | Battery Technology Center |
2017 - 2021 | Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (KIT), M.Sc. |
2014 - 2017 | Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (KIT), B.Sc. |
A Real-Time Power Sharing Strategy for a Multi-Energy System While Considering Individual System Dynamics
Palaniswamy, L. N.; Leister, L.; Zeilinger, T.; Munzke, N.; Kupper, C.; Hiller, M.
2024. PV-Symposium Proceedings, Technische Informationsbibliothek Open Publishing (TIB Open Publishing). doi:10.52825/pv-symposium.v1i.1205
Palaniswamy, L. N.; Leister, L.; Zeilinger, T.; Munzke, N.; Kupper, C.; Hiller, M.
2024. PV-Symposium Proceedings, Technische Informationsbibliothek Open Publishing (TIB Open Publishing). doi:10.52825/pv-symposium.v1i.1205
Design of a Modular Multilevel Converter with 400 kWh of Integrated Batteries
Katzenburg, N.; Kuhlmann, K.; Leister, L.; Stefanski, L.; Teigelkötter, J.; Hiller, M.
2023. 2023 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee), 1–8, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/Ee59906.2023.10346096
Katzenburg, N.; Kuhlmann, K.; Leister, L.; Stefanski, L.; Teigelkötter, J.; Hiller, M.
2023. 2023 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee), 1–8, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/Ee59906.2023.10346096
Faster than Real-Time Electro-Thermal-Aging Emulation of Multiple Batteries within a Modular Multilevel Converter
Leister, L.; Katzenburg, N.; Kuhlmann, K.; Stefanski, L.; Hiller, M.
2023. 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’23 ECCE Europe), 1–9, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EPE23ECCEEurope58414.2023.10264446
Leister, L.; Katzenburg, N.; Kuhlmann, K.; Stefanski, L.; Hiller, M.
2023. 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’23 ECCE Europe), 1–9, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/EPE23ECCEEurope58414.2023.10264446
Hardware-in-the-Loop Setup for a Modular Multilevel Converter with Integrated Batteries
Leister, L.; Kalk, A.; Schmitz-Rode, B.; Stefanski, L.; Brackle, D.; Hiller, M.
2022. 2022 IEEE 23rd Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/COMPEL53829.2022.9830034
Leister, L.; Kalk, A.; Schmitz-Rode, B.; Stefanski, L.; Brackle, D.; Hiller, M.
2022. 2022 IEEE 23rd Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/COMPEL53829.2022.9830034
Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Rig for Rapid Prototyping of Battery Management System Algorithms
Kalk, A.; Salikoglu, Y.; Leister, L.; Braeckle, D.; Hiller, M.
2022. 2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), 473–478, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ITEC53557.2022.9813816
Kalk, A.; Salikoglu, Y.; Leister, L.; Braeckle, D.; Hiller, M.
2022. 2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), 473–478, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ITEC53557.2022.9813816
Measuring and Characterization of a Pedal Electric Cycle (Pedelec) Drivetrain on a Test-Bench for Modelling and Optimization
Schmitt, M.; Decker, S.; Leister, L.; Liske, A.; Doppelbauer, M.
2021. 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC): Proceedings ; Gijon, Spain, 25–28 October 2021, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/VPPC53923.2021.9699154
Schmitt, M.; Decker, S.; Leister, L.; Liske, A.; Doppelbauer, M.
2021. 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC): Proceedings ; Gijon, Spain, 25–28 October 2021, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/VPPC53923.2021.9699154