Welcome at the Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)


At the Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), experts in power electronics, electrical machines, drive control, and energy storage systems conduct research. With about 70 employees, interdisciplinary cooperation of these neighboring research areas takes place in order to improve the increasing requirements in terms of power density, functionality, and energy efficiency and to create innovations.

In addition to research and teaching, the ETI is working on a wide range of projects in close cooperation with industry and public project sponsors to find innovative solutions and concepts for the future. In addition, the ETI offers an extensive equipment pool in which prototypes are built and tested for use.

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Excursion France 2024

On the Whitsun excursion from 20 to 24 May 2024, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Doppelbauer and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Hiller visited six scientific institutions in the Grenoble-Lyon area together with scientific staff and 34 students.
From research into X-rays at the multinational "European Synchroton Radiation Facility" (ESRF) and the research focus on neutron beams at the "Institute Laue-Langevin" (ILL) to classic electrotechnical research facilities such as the "Grenoble Eletrical Engineering" (G2Elab), the participants were able to gain a variety of impressions.


The ETI uses a high-performance, modular and fully customizable real-time signal processing platform for the control and regulation of all types of applications in the field of power electronics and electric drives - the "ETI SoC system". The term "SoC" stands for "System-on-Chip", as both a floating point signal processor (DSP) for sequential code and a freely programmable hardware for fast, parallel computing operations (FPGA) are integrated on one chip.

Dissertation von Felix Hoffmann

Das ETI gratuliert Herrn Felix Hoffmann zur bestandenen Doktorprüfung. Der Titel seiner Dissertation lautet „Thermische Modellierung permanentmagneterregter Synchronmaschinen mit wellenseitiger Öl-Sprühkühlung“. Das Prüfungsdatum war am 24.04.2024. 

Dissertation von Patrick Himmelmann

Das ETI gratuliert Herrn Felix Hoffmann zur bestandenen Doktorprüfung. Der Titel seiner Dissertation lautet „Thermische Modellierung permanentmagneterregter Synchronmaschinen mit wellenseitiger Öl-Sprühkühlung“. Das Prüfungsdatum war am 24.04.2024.