A new, universal Series Hybrid Cascaded H-Bridge Converter for Power-Hardware in the Loop Emulation
R. Schwendemann, M. Lörcher, F. Sommer, L. Stefanski, M. Hiller
2019 21th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'19 ECCE Europe)
This paper presents anew Series-Hybrid Cascaded H-Bridge(SH-CHB)Converter for Power-Hardware in the Loop(PHIL) systems. The converter combines the benefitsof CHB-Cells, high power density and high system efficiency,with the advantagesof Linear Power Amplifiers(LPA), high bandwidth andhighfidelity.The introducedsystem is used to emulate different AC-gridsas well as DC-grids with simultaneous supply of sinusoidal test signalsfor impedance spectroscopyof converters. Thesystem provides sinusoidal test signals up to 105kHzwith a three-phase output AC voltage of 400Vor a DC voltage of 1000V. The maximum output power of the system is60kVA.