Am Elektrotechnischen Institut werden neue Solarwechselrichterschaltungen untersucht. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Erreichen hoher Wirkungsgrade bei gleichzeitig geringem Materialeinsatz.
Titel | Quelle | Autor |
Dimensioning of a Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter Circuit for Thin-Film or Back-Side Contacted Solar Modules | EPE'15 ECCE Europe, Genf, CH |
Mario Gommeringer, Felix Kammerer, Alexander Schmitt, Michael Braun |
An Ultra-Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking Circuit for Photovoltaic Inverters | IECON 2015, 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society |
Mario Gommeringer, Alexander Schmitt, Felix Kammerer, Michael Braun |
A multi-string photovoltaic inverter for thin-film or back-side contacted solar modules | The 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) 2016 |
A Transformerless Single-Phase PV Inverter Circuit for Thin-Film or Back-Side Contacted Solar Modules | IECON 2014, 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Dallas |
Mario Gommeringer, Felix Kammerer, Alexander Schmitt, Michael Braun |