Dr.-Ing. Jan Richter
- Ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- jan richter ∂does-not-exist.alumni kit edu
- J. P. Schmidt, H. Y. Tran, J. Richter, E. Ivers-Tiffée, M. Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, "Analysis and Prediction of the Open Circuit Potential of Lithium-Ion Cells", J. Power Sources, vol. 239, p. 696-704 (2013)
[PDF from Publisher] - J. Richter, P. Winzer, M. Doppelbauer, "Einsatz virtueller Prototypen bei der akausalen Modellierung und Simulation von permanenterregten Synchronmaschinen", ETG Fachbericht Band 139, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-3550-1 (2013)
[PDF from Publisher] [PDF from KITopen] - M. Schiefer, J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Potentiale verbesserter Kühlkonzepte für elektrische Fahrantriebe in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen", ETG Fachbericht Band 139, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-3550-1 (2013)
[PDF from Publisher] - T. Gemaßmer, J. Richter, M. Schnarrenberger, M. Braun, "High Dynamic Rotor Oriented Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Saturation Characteristics", Proceedings of the PCIM Europe 2014, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-3603-4 (2014)
[PDF from Publisher] - T. Gemaßmer, J. Richter, M. Schnarrenberger, M. Braun, "Dynamic overmodulation for highly dynamic current control of IPMSM with saturation characteristics", Proceedings of the Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), p. 842-847 (2014)
[PDF from Publisher] - J. Richter, T. Gemaßmer, M. Doppelbauer, "Predictive current control of saturated cross-coupled permanent magnet synchronous machines", Proceedings of the Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), p. 830-835 (2014)
[PDF from Publisher] [PDF from KITopen] - J. Richter, A. Dollinger, M. Doppelbauer, "Iron loss and parameter measurement of permanent magnet synchronous machines", Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), p. 1635-1641 (2014)
[PDF from Publisher] [PDF from KITopen] - A. Schmitt, J. Richter, U. Jurkewitz, M. Braun, "FPGA-Based Real-Time Simulation of Nonlinear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation Systems", Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), p. 3763-3769 (2014)
[PDF from Publisher] [PDF from KITopen] - J. Richter, P. Bäuerle, T. Gemaßmer, M. Doppelbauer, "Transient Trajectory Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), p. 2345 - 2351 (2015)
[PDF from Publisher] [PDF from KITopen] - J. Richter, T. Lannert, T. Gemassmer, M. Doppelbauer, "Mitigation of Current Harmonics in Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", Proceedings of PCIM Europe 2015, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-3924-0, p. 725-732 (2015)
[PDF from Publisher] [PDF from KITopen] - M. Veigel, P. Winzer, J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "New FPGA-Based and Inline-Capable Measuring Method for the Identification of Magnetic Losses in Electrical Steel", Proceedings of Electric Drives Production Conference, p. 84-89. (2015)
[PDF from Publisher] - J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Predictive Trajectory Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 6, p. 3915-3924 (2016)
[PDF from Publisher] - J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Control and Mitigation of Current Harmonic in Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", IET Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 10, p. 2019-2026 (2016)
[PDF from Publisher] - A. Schmitt, J. Richter, M. Gommeringer, T. Wersal, M. Braun "A Novel 100 kW Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation Test Bench for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", Proceedings of the
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, p. 1-6 (2016) - J. Richter, M.Doppelbauer "Improving dynamics of repetitive control based current harmonic mitigation in inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous machines with nonlinear magnetics", Proceedings of the
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, p. 1-6 (2016) - A. Schmitt, J. Richter, M. Braun, M. Doppelbauer "Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics – Concept & Verification", Proceedings of PCIM Europe 2016, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-4186-1, p. 393-400 (2016)
[PDF from Publisher] [PDF from KITopen] - J. Richter, "Modellbildung, Parameteridentifikation und Regelung hoch ausgenutzter Synchronmaschinen", Dissertation, KIT Scientific Publishing, ISBN 978-3-7315-0555-6 (2016)
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- J.P. Schmidt, J. Richter, D. Klotz, E. Ivers-Tiffée, "A Virtual Reference Electrode Suitable for the Non-Destructive Determination of SOC Dependent Half Cell Potentials", 220th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (Boston, USA), Presentation, 09.10. - 14.10.2011
- J.P. Schmidt, D. Klotz, J. Richter, E. Ivers-Tiffée, "Fast Identification of the Insertion Potentials of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes by a Mathematical Transformation of OCV-Curves", 62nd Annual ISE Meeting (Niigata, Japan), Poster, 11.09. - 16.09.2011
- J.P. Schmidt, D. Klotz, J. Richter, E. Ivers-Tiffée, "Insertion potentials of Li-ion battery electrodes quickly identified by a mathematical transformation of OCV curves", Lithium Batteries Discussion 2011 (Arcachon, France), Poster, 12.06. - 17.06.2011
- J. Richter, P. Winzer, M. Doppelbauer, "Einsatz virtueller Prototypen bei der akausalen Modellierung und Simulation von permanenterregten Synchronmaschinen", Internationaler ETG Kongress 2013 (Berlin, Germany), Poster, 05.11. - 06.11.2013
- M. Schiefer, J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Potentiale verbesserter Kühlkonzepte für elektrische Fahrantriebe in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen", Internationaler ETG Kongress 2013 (Berlin, Germany), Presentation, 05.11. - 06.11.2013
- T. Gemaßmer, J. Richter, M. Schnarrenberger, M. Braun, "High Dynamic Rotor Oriented Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Saturation Characteristics", PCIM Europe 2014 (Nuremberg, Germany), Presentation, 20.05. - 22.05.2014
- J. Richter, T. Gemaßmer, M. Doppelbauer, "Predictive current control of saturated cross-coupled permanent magnet synchronous machines", SPEEDAM 2014 (Ischia, Italy), Presentatation, 18.06. - 20.06.2014
- T. Gemaßmer, J. Richter, M. Schnarrenberger, M. Braun, "Dynamic overmodulation for highly dynamic current control of IPMSM with saturation characteristics", SPEEDAM 2014 (Ischia, Italy), Presentatation, 18.06. - 20.06.2014
- J. Richter, A. Dollinger, M. Doppelbauer, "Iron Loss and Parameter Measurement of Permanent Magnet Synchonous Machines", ICEM 2014 (Berlin, Germany), Presentation, 02.09. - 05.09.2014
- J. Richter, T. Gemaßmer, M. Doppelbauer, "Electric Machine Control Strategies - How to deal with permanent magnet machines with nonlinear magnetics", CWIEME 2014 (Chicago, USA), Invited Presentation, 30.09. - 01.10.2014
- A. Schmitt, J. Richter, U. Jurkewitz, M. Braun, "FPGA-Based Real-Time Simulation of Nonlinear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation Systems", IECON 2014 (Dallas, USA), Presentation, 29.10. - 01.11.2014
- J. Richter, T. Gemaßmer, A. Schmitt, "Modellbildung und Regelung hochausgenutzter PM-Synchronmaschinen", German IEEE Joint IAS/PELS/IES Chapter Meeting (Karlsruhe, Germany), Invited Presentation, 12.03 - 13.03.2015
- J. Richter, P. Bäuerle, T. Gemaßmer, M. Doppelbauer, "Transient Trajectory Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", ICIT 2015 (Sevilla, Spain), Presentation, 17.03 - 19.03.2015
- J. Richter, T. Lannert, T. Gemaßmer, M. Doppelbauer, "Mitigation of Current Harmonics in Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", PCIM Europe 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany), Presentation, 19.05. - 21.05.2015
- J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Modeling and Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", International Workshop Advanced Control in Power Systems and Drives 2015, (Friedberg, Germany), Invited Presentation, 02.06.2015
- M. Veigel, P. Winzer, J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "New FPGA-Based and Inline-Capable Measuring Method for the Identification of Magnetic Losses in Electrical Steel", Electric Drives Production Conference (Nuremberg, Germany), Presentation, 15.09 - 16.09.2015
- J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Improving dynamics of repetitive control based current harmonic mitigation in inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous machines with nonlinear magnetics", IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (Glasgow, Scotland), Presentation, 19.04 - 21.04.2016
- A. Schmitt, J. Richter, M. Gommeringer, T. Wersal, M. Braun "A Novel 100 kW Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation Test Bench for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (Glasgow, Scotland), Presentation, 19.04 - 21.04.2016
- J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Control and Mitigation of Current Harmonics in PM-Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics", International Workshop Advanced Control in Power Systems and Drives 2016, (Friedberg, Germany), Invited Presentation, 31.05.2016
- A. Schmitt, J. Richter, M. Braun, M. Doppelbauer "Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Nonlinear Magnetics – Concept & Verification", PCIM Europe 2016 (Nuremberg, Germany), Invited Presentation, 16.05. - 18.05.2016
- J. Richter, M. Doppelbauer, "Elektromobilität - Wo stehen wir und wohin geht die Reise?", fokus.energie e.V. - Brennpunkt E-Mobilität (Bruchsal, Germany), Invited Presentation, 24.10.2016