Energy Balancing of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter based on a New Transformed Arm Power Analysis
Felix Kammerer, Mario Gommeringer, Johannes Kolb, Michael Braun
EPE 14 ECCE Europe Lappeenranta, Finland
- Datum: 26.-28.08.2014
This paper presents a transformed arm power analysis of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter
(M3C). It enables the energy balancing in the whole frequency range for high power variable-speed
drive applications. Four balancing directions are identified for the active power exchange between the
converter arms with minimal internal currents. At critical operating points a zero sequence voltage is
used. Additionally, the reactive power components can be used to perform a real time calculation of
the energy pulsation in all four balancing directions to improve the control performance. A low voltage
prototype with 5 cells in each of the nine arms has been realized to verify the theoretical analysis.