Evaluation of potential cooling system solutions for axial flux traction machines

  • Forschungsthema:Machine construction and cooling
  • Typ:Masterarbeit
  • Datum:By agreement
  • Betreuung:

    Erling Gjeset

  • Bild:

  • Bearbeiter:

    To be assigned

  • Motivation

    Axial flux machines present interesting opportunities for high torque density electric motors, since they typically provide higher values of torque with the same volume as a conventional radial flux machine. This, in turn, lends itself very well to heavy duty applications such as trucks. 

    However, as with all electric machines for vehicle applications, reliability, performance, weight and cost are vital aspects to consider in the design. The choice and implementation of a optimum cooling solution may prove a deciding factor in the final feasibility of the system.


    In this project, the student is tasked with setting up a thermal-electrical simulation model for an axial flux machine and use this to evaluate different possible cooling methods. A literature review and general comparison of potential solutions should be carried out, followed by a detailed analysis and case study of at least two different systems with a corresponding standalone and side by side assessment.

    Alternatives may include:

     - Open-loop air cooling with integrated or external fans

     - Improved cooling jackets (e.g. with heat pipes)

     - Hollow coil cooling

    The student is also encouraged to find/test out alternatives not listed above.

    Modelling and analysis should be carried out as thermal resistance network calculations. FEA may also be used in case of complex geometries or heat transfer characteristics.

    Note: The work and supervision will be done in English.